Monday, June 02, 2008

Sex and the Single Guy

Alright, so 50 or 60 million of you went to see Sex and the City, and I'm one of them. This past Saturday night, I tagged along with nine or ten ladies to the Los Angeles shopping center -- The Grove. Some of us were dressed up, some of us weren't, some had cocktails with their dinner, some didn't even have dinner, but all of us were big fans of the TV show! We got in line after dinner, and Elizabeth Berkeley was at the front of the line! Now, if you know Sex and the City well you'll remember an episode where Carrie Bradshaw had to ride the bus because she was trying to save money to buy her apartment. When the bus pulled up, there was a photo of her on the side, and a lady asks her, "Now, why do you have to ride the bus when you're ON the bus?" I wanted so desperately to ask Elizabeth Berkely, "Now, if you're in a movie, why do you have to stand in line for the movies?" But I didn't want to lose my place in line.

The film was fun. Lots of great fashion! Homages to the TV show! But if you didn't see the television series, you can still enjoy it.

Afterwards, while getting out of the elevator and going to my car, I see my friend Armando! He was by himself and doing a very smart thing! Hanging out where lots of single women were expected to be! Hundreds of women just hanging out after the stores have closed. No one with much to do because it was really too late to go out and do something else! Most of the women just wanted to hang out and chat about the movie! So smart, Armando. Hope you had Samantha type luck!!


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