Friday, June 16, 2006

"Nice" Guys

I haven't written a lot about relationships because who am I to talk about them? I'm a 32 year old commitment-phobic woman. But this subject has bothered me for awhile. So let's talk about the "Nice Guy." I want to dispel the rumor that women don't like "nice" guys. It simply is not true. Yes, there are some women who like the bad boys, and there are moments of insanity in every sane woman's life where she gets too deeply involved with someone who's not good for her. And there are also some guys who love the bad girls. But most women, in their right minds (and the kind you really want to date if you truly are a "nice" guy), would not turn down a gentleman. But I want to clarify that most guys who think that women don't like "nice" guys aren't really talking about "nice" guys. Let's clarify, what a nice guy is NOT. First, nice guys don't put women on pedestals. No woman, unless she's your wife, should be put on a pedestal. We're all human and should be treated equally. If she's your wife, giving her extra attention and worshipping her will help win you points towards "Husband of the Year," but if you're just dating, you're supposed to get to know each other and see if she or he is right for you and your future. There should be no pedestals at this stage. Next..."nice" guys are not doormats. They still have their own opinions and are not afraid of expressing them. They don't just roll over and only date women who whip them. If you're "whipped," you're not a "nice"'re just a wimp. Also, "nice" guys are obviously not always on the "lookout" which means they don't look at other women while engaged in conversation with one or on a date with one, and they don't participate in "locker talk." Finally, "nice" guys are not afraid of asking out "nice" girls. And this takes me to what real nice guys are. Nice guys are gentlemen. They open doors, they pull out wallets and offer to pay (and if you insist on paying yourself, they allow it and not get all caveman about it), they walk on the outside to protect you from cars flinging anything your way, they always speak with respect towards you and your family...even if they're angry, and "nice" guys are sexy because they're confident and not afraid to not be so nice when it's necessary (like protecting their woman's honor and in bed).


Blogger Lynn said...

AMEN!!!! I've always said, "Most 'nice' guys aren't nice: they're weak. There's a huge difference between nice and weak."

12:59 PM  
Blogger lone-star-jill said...

hells yeah. I wish I could send this post around the world.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Damn girl, you nailed it.

10:13 AM  

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