Remembering September 11

It doesn't feel like it's been seven years. I woke up that morning to a phone call from my now ex. He was at one of the airports in New York City, and he called to tell me to turn on the TV because a plane had just flown into one of the World Trade Center towers. Not sure what anything meant and still groggy from being woken up at an "ungodly" hour, I stared at the images and tried to comprehend the newscasters.
My ex was supposed to have been on one of those flights! For some reason, his mother had changed it at the last minute. Miracle? Coincidence? What about all of those people who did not make it?
I remember crying and feeling helpless until I picked myself up and went into work hours early. I was producing/editing for a Los Angeles all news radio station at the time and just being there felt calming to me. I got my ex on the phone to go live and tried all of my friends too. Some people I couldn't reach, but most, I did. It was also a way for me to connect with everyone and to make sure the people I know were alright.
Luckily, my friends had all survived. The closest encounter was my friend, Margaret. She worked at the World Trade Center and just happened to be running late for work that morning! Her father drives a taxi and drove her to work, but then of course, had to drive her back home. Another friend who worked on Wall Street at the time, eventually quit her job. It was a year later, and she was pregnant. And the fumes were still causing her breathing problems.
Finally, my thoughts go to everyone on those planes. They did not die in vain. In fact, every time I think about those who called their loved ones and said they were going to try to do something, I get choked up. Brave souls who sacrificed their lives so more people were not killed. We are all grateful. I do not believe most of those people who died would want the kind of war we are currently in. We all need to remember and not take revenge.
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