Thursday, October 12, 2006

On Public Restroom Etiquette

I was just in the restroom at work. While washing my hands, I saw a woman go into a stall next to another woman. Now, why in the world do people do that?? All of the other restroom stalls were empty! Why would she choose the one stall that's right next to someone else? It must've been unpleasant for her...since the woman next to her had been in that stall since before I even got in!


Blogger Lynn said...

You know, that doesn't bother nearly as much as people who talk on their cell phones while *using* a public bathroom's facilities.

10:05 AM  
Blogger kc said...

amen. that's a weird one too! especially when they talk super loudly so EVERYONE hears all their business!

11:16 AM  

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