Friday, August 10, 2007

Being Sick at Work

I always feel guilty when I'm sick. So sometimes I end up going to work even while I'm under the weather. Case in point, I've been sick since last Friday. I think I've been working a little too much and just stressing my body out. I went to work on Monday and Tuesday. But when I was still not getting better by Wednesday, I decided to take a day off to just sleep and try to recoup. Well, Thursday came along, and I still wasn't much better, so I took that day off too. By Friday, I felt major guilt. So, I sent an e-mail to my bosses the night before, saying I was coming in a bit late. Then, this morning, when I still felt terrible, I called and asked if it would really screw them if I didn't come in today. One of my bosses said yes, so I went into work. Luckily, they let me work on one thing and then go home early. But while I was work, I was worried about getting other people sick, about coughing too loudly, and just thinking too much. Ugh. It's so not worth it. But then again, I'm freelance. When I don't work, I don't get paid.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah..the freelance thing is tough. But you've got to leave the guilt behind! You are not a machine....and we are not in our 20's anymore (sigh) so it's harder to heal up from being sick...bottom line, you do your best work when you are healthy. So if you really want to turn out a quality show/segment...doesn't it make more sense to go in with all cylinders firing? :) Jean

10:08 AM  

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