Thursday, August 16, 2007

Help Me Please!

If anyone has any cures for a bad cough, please send them my way! I am willing to try anything at this point! My cough is now officially 2 weeks old, and it's making me sick!! Literally and figuratively. I'm annoying myself, and I have definitely annoyed everyone around me...especially the people sitting next to me at work and the editors who have to sit in the edit bays with me for hours at a time. Oh I feel sorry for them. They're generally such nice people. What did they do to deserve this girl who's coughing and hacking up her lungs every two minutes? And please forgive anyone who tries to make me laugh!! The coughing fit makes one of my co-workers so concerned, he's e-mailing me to ask me if I'm OK! Why is he e-mailing me, instead of just asking? Because he actually sits across the room from me! That's how loud my coughing is! I've tried Nyquil, Benadryl, Ricola, Halls, and more natural methods of drinking tea, breathing in steam, etc. And NOTHING IS WORKING. Someone please help me end my misery NOW.


Blogger Unknown said...

My oldest gets that way in the winter. Honey helps sometimes. And not just in your tea, but like...a spoonful down your throat. We also like stuff with codeine. Who really NEEDS to be awake anyway.

2:12 PM  
Blogger carlywei said...

Try medicine with an expectorant in it. It will help you cough up the phlegm that your body is trying to get rid of with the coughing fits. Gross, I know, but once you cough it up, the fits should calm down.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It won't cure your cough but it should quiet it down....Ricola original formula cough drops and lots of water -- either room temperature or warm water -- not cold. Good luck! :) Jean

10:04 AM  

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