Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Weekly Poker Update
The tally isn't working in my favor yet. We decided to play poker today since a lot of people will be out or gone early tomorrow for Memorial Day weekend! (Normally, we play on Fridays.) Players today were: Bob, Carrie, Patrick, John, Kedj, and me. I slowly built up my stack, stealing a couple of key hands, and losing one major one. Bob took out Kedj and Carrie. I took out Bob and John. Then, it was just between Patrick and me. First hand, I had A-9 of hearts, I go all-in. He folds. Second hand, he goes all-in with K-J (?) off-suit, and I call with 8-9 of spades because he didn't have that much more. I get a 9 on the flop, and I'm the winner!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Celeb Spotting
Anthony and I attended the opening of the Robert Rauschenberg exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles Saturday evening. We got there a little before the opening party started, and there was already a super long line to get into the museum to see the exhibit. Do all of these people really know about Rauschenberg, or are they there just to party? After seeing his amusing and forward-thinking pieces (I think they're still so relevant and fresh today), we wandered upstairs where there's a cash bar and a DJ playing. We walked around the bar, decided not to get a drink, and on our way out, I did a double take. My heart leapt into my throat because there was Robert Rauschenberg in a wheelchair, surrounded by a group of people, getting his picture taken! I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to remind him that I had met him about 10 years ago in his studio in Manhattan, and that I interviewed him for an NYU television news magazine program. But the vultures would not let him go. Many were oblivious to his presence. But those who knew...clung to him like saran wrap on a sandwich. I was still giddy...He's the only artist, whose works are in a museum, whom I've met, now, twice.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Poker Game
My friend Carrie and I play in a "friendly" game of poker at lunchtime, most Fridays. I think she's won most of the games, but she doesn't think so. So I'm going to start a tally. In today's game, the players are David, Patrick, Cam, Carrie, Paul, and me. I knock out every single player, and it's heads up between Carrie and me. I have her out-chipped considerably, but she doubles up a couple of times, and eventually, she wins.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I think I've been haunted, my whole life, by sweats. This past week, I attended the screening party of Al Gore's new documentary about the environment. I didn't actually get to see the film. My friend invited me to the after-party, very last minute. I was coming from work, and I was wearing a Juicy hoodie and American Apparel sweatpants. I think I had on a tank top underneath the hoodie, and my pink puma sneakers. As soon as I walked into the Directors Guild of America building, security was on me. The security guards were asking me a lot of questions...who was I with? What was my name? Was I just coming to pick someone up? Luckily, my friend, Neil, showed up and ended the interrogation. Lots of people were there...Al Gore, Jessica Alba, Larry name a few. And I was there in my sweats!
In junior high, I broke up with my football playing boyfriend with a note. This is a lesson I need to pass on to any kid in school...DO NOT break up with your boyfriend in a note. Leave no paper will come back to haunt you! In this note, I gave some reasons for why I broke up with of them being...he had said I looked "sexy in sweats." I don't know why...but I was disgusted with that comment back then. Well, the next day...the note had been passed around...and most of the guys on the football team would come up to me and, guessed it...tell me that I looked sexy in sweats.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Surprise! We won...
The Queen from Virginia is an award-winning documentary! The film won the jury prize for Best Documentary at the 2006 LA Asian Pacific Film Festival.
David, Gavin, Christina, Anthony and I attended the closing ceremony last Thursday evening. They gave out four scripted feature, best documentary, best short, and the audience award. There were about 200 movies screening at this festival! We were shocked, excited, thrilled, and amused.
David gave a really nice, short, and funny speech. And afterwards, we took pictures, mingled, shmoozed, drank, and finally ate dinner really late at Oomasa...the best sushi restaurant in L.A.!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Film Premiere
I just want to express my gratitude for everyone who came out and supported the documentary I produced, "The Queen from Virginia: Jackie Bong-Wright and Ms. Senior America." We had a great turnout and amazing responses to the film. It was very exciting for me, personally, to have a film I produced, playing in a real movie theatre in Los Angeles! As with any independent project, we could not have done it without support. And since I didn't get a chance to say this during the Q+A session after the film, I just want to express my thanks.
To the team that made the film - Gavin, Steve, Young, Stacy, Anthony, Kendra, Masa, Robert, Lindsey, and Rachel - Thank you for your talent, hard work, and senses of humor!
To our fundraising team - the Ngo family, Lynn, Sarah, and Valerie - your skills and contributions are immensely appreciated!!
Thanks to Mark, Wileen, Bill, and everyone else who saw the rough cuts and gave us notes.
Thank you Susan for your legal expertise.
Thank you to everyone who donated items for auction. Go to and hopefully, we will have websites up for our sponsors.
Special thanks to those who gave to us, financially, either by coming to our fundraisers or just sending me checks. You are angels, and I wished you were all here today to see your contribution to the film you helped make.
And last, but not least...thank you, David, for bringing me onto this project. It's been almost two years, and although I don't know if it's anything like giving birth, the struggle was worth it in the end!