Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hollywood and Santa Monica

For those of you who live in Los Angeles, you know this corner. For those of you who don't, it's tranny corner. Everyday, the trannies work on this seedy part of Hollywood, and for awhile, I actually worked in the same area. Not doing the same thing, of course, but I couldn't help seeing them and wondering what their lives were like. I worked at a post house last November and December in that area, and the Nitris artist and I would go to lunch every day, walking past the trannies. But what's even stranger to us was a coffee shop on Hollywood. We'd go there for lunch sometimes and find the entire place filled...with people conducting meetings...for alcoholics anonymous. I thought AA meetings only happened in the basement of a Y, or least where the alcoholics can remain anonymous!! Here they were. Sitting inside this coffee shop, and every time we'd stop in for lunch, there they would be. One time, my artist friend told me that he recognized one of the AA members. I think he was in an 80's television show. I don't remember who it was. But needless to say, he's no longer an anonymous alcoholic anymore, now is he?